
Refreshing + Reclaiming Calm in Your Dwelling


It’s been no surprise I have been doing more house clearings lately since the pandemic started.  With all of us spending more time at home, we are noticing what is working and what isn’t.  Life just doesn’t have the same amount of distractions it once did so we can avoid the energy we are surrounded by day to day. 

I have also been thinking a bit about how most of us live on land that wasn’t ours to begin with or has had histories that may not be the most pleasant. 

And truth be told, that energy wants to get cleared and to get lifted to a higher vibration. It truly wants to be healed and resolved. I have noticed this again and again intuitively when I have gone to clear the energy.  When I clear land, it is especially obvious. There was one time, (and this may sound trippy but it was so cool) when I had wrapped up a land clearing, a distinct cloud in the shape of a giant heart and then one in the shape of angel floated by.  It’s not even uncommon that the winds pick up and I feel the presence of elemental beings like fairies and angels.  It’s almost like they have been waiting to assist us to elevate the land and homes.  

Ahh, the life of a healer and an intuitive! It’s so interesting!

Here are so me ways to know if your house or land needs a re-fresh:

  • You may feel tired or drained while being at home.

  • You may bicker a lot at home.

  • You may have a lot of nightmares or feel like you aren’t sleeping well. Children can actually sense this too, and I had one recently who could see a spirit that was hanging around and would vocalize this.  When children are quite young the veils can be thinner for them.

  • You may feel like it’s just not super cheerful or creative in your space. 

If you are feeling this way, your space or place may need a big refresh! And that’s okay. Even if you are a seasoned healer, and you have tried everything, you may need someone to come in with a different set of eyes, and senses to see what is going on.

Sometimes a spirit needs to transition to a higher dimension.  Sometimes the people who used to live in your place had a dense energy.  Sometimes you are living on land that was stolen.  Sometimes you need to release belongings or move them to create more flow. 

Those are just some of the things that I notice and can help with. 

But, in the meantime, some things that you can do to start refreshing the space are below and these can help!

  • Light white candles in each room. Simple tea lights will do.  Carry the intention that the flame is purifying the atmosphere.  

  • Diffuse essential oils like Frankincense and Angelica to raise the vibration.  Both are found in my blend Soul Shield which you can also diffuse. You can get Soul Shield here.

  • I also diffuse different flower essences which do not carry a scent, like my Pisces & Bellatrix essences. You can find those here: Bellatrix and Pisces. I also really love the Clearing and Protection essences from

  • Open up the windows and let the air flow in and out.  This simple intention can clear some staleness in the air quickly. And carrying that intention makes a big difference. We also love Hauswitch’s kit: North Wind, which carries that intent too which you can find here.

  • Say a prayer or wish for what you want each room’s vibration to be, and breathe it out and into the room. It’s totally beautiful and welcome to thank your space, to give it gratitude, to love on it, and bless it.  These are age old traditions in so many cultures.  The more you do this the more you raise the vibe. 

  • And again, y’all know I LOVE flowers, and so adding some to your house can brighten the mood so quickly. Every flower carries a unique resonance that fills your space with good vibrations.  Some local florists I love are Quarter Moon Floral, Luna Moss, All Purpose Flowers and Bloom by Rene. 

I hope some of these suggestions help you light up your space.  And if you feel you need more support I am booking one house or land clearing a month, and love to be of service to you.  I curate a custom spray & oil blend based on your intentions, bring crystals to support your space that I leave there and do so much more. I currently love spaces that need lighter refreshes, and love working in homes that folks are just moving into before you settle in.  

I am not your gal if your space feels super haunted or dark.  But I do have other people in my network who work with these energies. It’s not that I can’t clear them, it’s just not my passion.  So please keep that in mind when booking which you can do here.

I also can’t accommodate last minute or emergency visits, so it is better to book ahead.  And I love to travel!  Feel free to email us if you have any questions about house clearings and how we can support you at 

Love, Grace