
Here's what the super full moon in Virgo energy is showing us 🌕

We’ve entered into the Super full moon expansion and there are some beautiful polarizing energies culminating right now between the Moon in Virgo (earth sign) and the Sun in Pisces (water sign) and on top of that Mercury just went direct. Thank you Mercury retrograde for what you showed us. 

We have 7 planets in earth signs right now, a couple in water, very little in air and no planets fire signs. To me this feels a bit like Kapha energy ( In Ayurveda it’s the body type that is made of Earth & Water.) It gives us the message : “Slow and steady wins the race.”  

It’s best to ground and center, opening up to the earthly Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus energies. Come into the body and feel into your feelings and what your body needs. Connect to nature. 

Pisces energy supports our ability to surrender to the flow of life and our intuition, allowing us to really open up our imagination, and letting the unknown be.  While Virgo energy exemplifies the concrete, the perfection that we may seek, the structured and discernible.

The Sun is conjoined to Neptune, both in Pisces, so we get a double dose of the intuitive watery Piscean energy. The veil between us and Spirit is super thin, if at all there . We may feel extra intuitive or extra confused. Asking ourselves: “What is true?”  

Mercury in retrograde has been asking us this same question. What do you think? What is true for your reality right now?

For example, you may have had people from your past that you set boundaries with resurface.  The Universe was asking: “Are you sure?” “Is this what you want to do?” “Aren’t we all one?” So Piscean. And the answer is: “Yes, we are.” And at the same time some people need boundaries set as they may not fully love and support you. Pisces seeks ultimate healing and loss of ego and that may obliterate all boundaries which can lead to a loss of any self. 

This is where Virgo comes in- and has discernment. It is grounded, down to earth, and clear seeing. It is able to sort fact from fiction, while it still tends toward selflessness- it does not go so far as obliterating the self to rescue others, or to become one. Instead, it sorts out what it needs to do that is healthy and helps to bring health to others in practical ways. So, it’s more the type of healer that says: “Hey, sure you can work with me but let’s set up a plan to help you get from point A to point B nutritionally, spiritually. Let’s organize your healing plan.” 

Whereas the Pisces healer tendency might be: “Hey, I’m going to heal you through my unfailing, unending, and unconditional love- no matter what.”

But here’s the rub- both energies are reflected out there right now so within us there is also a polarization.

Some of you may feel more discerning and some may feel more self-sacrificial - while others may be vacillating in between. 

In order to get into all this we need to be feeling all the feels. There is a tendency here with the Moon joined with the asteroid Nemesis to make our emotions into bad guys. But we must welcome our Virgo discernment in as well. 

This is also great time still to keep building foundations towards your business or life purpose, and overall goals. With 4 planets still in Capricorn, keep putting in the work to get where you want to go. Sometimes, this can feel daunting or like a lot of responsibility. It sure can when you’re putting in the work, but it will all be worth it! 

Mercury goes direct today into tomorrow. Then, on March 29th/30th we are all the way out of shadow phase. So keep your head up, these retrogrades are super important for our being and life lessons. 

Strange communication stuff may begin to resolve. We may learn more actual truths in the news- where misinformation may have been portrayed all over prior to this, I'm expecting news reports that are a bit more precise when it comes to our health (Virgo) and less fuzzy or overwhelming ( Pisces). 

Where Virgo rules our physical bodies, this full moon is a great time to resurrect positive emotional and physical habits- a great combination of these two energies would be to ask yourself: How can I create a routine and habit that not only supports my physical body, but my spiritual longings as well? 

Venus went into Taurus a couple of days ago, which is a sign it rules so, it’s a little cozy there although a tight conjunction with Uranus can throw some surprises into the mix. While Venus rules our love life, our connection to beauty, the arts, comfort, Uruanus rules shocks, surprises, sudden urges toward freedom and expansion. There can be restless feelings in love, or surprise characters that may try to pull you away, or surprise revelations. If you're in a good relationship you may want to ask yourself, “How can I be more free within my relationship?” “What do I need to do, become, or enact to feel like I am free, but also comfortable?”  “What long term vision will create freedom and stability?” So in short we have a few themes we are focusing on right now:

🌕 Embrace Your Emotional IQ : Discernment Is Key.
🌕 Solidify Your Goals & Build Solid Foundations. 
🌕 Set Up Positive & Spiritually Satisfying Habits.
🌕 Feel & Embrace Freedom Within Your Partnerships.
🌕 Dream, Feel, Imagine , Create.